Education Archives - My Blog My WordPress Blog Tue, 04 Jul 2023 21:29:08 +0000 ru-RU hourly 1 230911564 Как вывести деньги из России с помощью криптовалюты? Thu, 09 Sep 2021 01:39:00 +0000 Закон о запрете вывоза из России наличной валюты свыше $10.000 за рубеж заставил искать обходные пути. Сегодня вывести крупную сумму из России можно тремя способами: через платежные системы, банковские переводы или криптовалюту. В то время как в первых двух сферах действует много ограничений, криптовалюта остается быстрым, мобильным и надежным способом трансфера денег. Это партнерский материал […]

The post Как вывести деньги из России с помощью криптовалюты? appeared first on My Blog.

Закон о запрете вывоза из России наличной валюты свыше $10.000 за рубеж заставил искать обходные пути. Сегодня вывести крупную сумму из России можно тремя способами: через платежные системы, банковские переводы или криптовалюту. В то время как в первых двух сферах действует много ограничений, криптовалюта остается быстрым, мобильным и надежным способом трансфера денег.

Это партнерский материал совместно с RunToRamобменником, который поможет вывести деньги из России через криптовалюту и затем получить наличные в любой точке мира. RunToRam работает с трансферами от 10.000 USDT для выдачи за пределами РФ.

Связаться с оператором



Привычные способа вывода денег из России

1. Платежные системы

– Золотая Корона (недавно введен запрет на переводы с банковских карт “Тинькофф”, “Альфа-Банка” и “Сбера” ) – Unistream (максимальная ежемесячная сумма переводов составляет 1 млн. рублей при условии, что банк, с карты которого переводятся деньги, не устанавливает свои ограничения) – Contact (имейте в виду, что Contact принадлежит компании QIWI, которая теперь обязана отчитываться ФСБ о всех действиях пользователей).

2. Банковские переводы

– Райффайзенбанк (c 6.03 минимальная сумма исходящего перевода увеличена до $10.000) – Газпромбанк (приостановил SWIFT в USD c 27.01)

– Модульбанк (входящие и/или исходящие переводы в $ доступны со следующими банками),

– Банк Солидарность (минимальная сумма перевода в страны ЕС, Турцию, Вьетнам и др. – 100.000 $/€).

Так в чем преимущества криптовалюты как способа вывода денег от $10.000 и выше?

Преимущества криптовалюты над банковскими переводами:

1. Скорость обработки транзакции. Перевод криптовалюты между кошельками или на р2р площадке внутри биржи занимает 5-10 минут.

2. Частичная децентрализация блокчейнов. Отключение платежных систем (SWIFT, Mastercard, Visa) создало немало россиянам немало проблем. В случае с криптовалютой никто не сможет «отключить» вас от работы блокчейна, а значит, и от возможности переводить деньги.

3. Анонимность и предсказуемость. В традиционных банках вам нужно подтвердить чуть ли не каждый этап перемещения ваших денег. Но в итоге вам все равно могут отказать в переводе или заморозить ваши средства на счете. В криптовалютных переводах вероятность таких исходов – нулевая.

4. Комиссии. Все сталкивались с неадекватными и неожиданными комиссиями банков за перевод крупной суммы. В криптовалюте комиссии минимальные. Например, на популярном блокчейне Tron речь пойдет о фиксированной комиссии в $0,5-$1 за перевод любой суммы, будь это $5 000 или $50 000. Комиссия обменников обычно варьируется от 1% до 2% от суммы трансфера.

Как купить криптовалюту

Есть три основных способа приобретения криптовалюты:

– Покупка на бирже (Binance, ByBit, Huobi, OKX). (Имейте в виду, что с 9 марта биржа Binance закрыла гражданам РФ возможность покупать доллары и евро через p2p). На этих биржах криптовалюту можно также покупать у пользователей (покупка/продажа между пользователями называются p2p операциями).

– Крипто-банкоматы

– Обменники

Теперь мы коротко рассмотрим каждый из этих способов.

1. Р2Р обмен на криптобирже

Централизованные биржи (Binance, OKX, ByBit, Huobi и тд.) выступают посредниками в сделке между продавцом криптовалюты и покупателем, гарантируя защиту сторон от мошенничества. Система эскроу замораживает средства и ожидает поступления перевода. Сделка завершается после подтверждения обоих участников.


– Риск, что банк заблокирует карту после поступления (или списания) крупной суммы денег на основании “подозрительной” операции и попросит предоставить подтверждающие документы на основании ФЗ № 115.

– Обязательная верификация пользователей: предоставление персональных данных (паспорт, данные карты).

–  Отсутствие возможности вывести наличные деньги.

– В некоторых странах любые операции с криптовалютой запрещены по закону (проверить страны можно здесь)


Важно! Криптовалюта, купленная на централизованной бирже или на бирже через p2p, отправится на ваш кастодиальный кошелек – это кошелек, “привязанный” к серверу биржи. Хранить на нем криптовалюту – не лучшая идея хотя бы потому, что биржи часто подвергаются хакерским атакам, а значит, ваши средства не в безопасности. Лучше испоьзовать некастодиальный криптокошелек– например, TrustWallet или MetaMask. На нем можно безопасно хранить средства, покупать и продавать криптовалюту, а защита информации о ваших транзакциях гарантирована.

2. Крипто-банкоматы

Крипто-банкоматы (General Bytes, Genesis Coin, DigitalMint) – это физический терминал, через который можно купить или продать криптовалюту с кошелька, получив наличные деньги. Однако большинство криптовалютных банкоматов предлагают только односторонние транзакции (например, криптовалюту можно купить, но не продать, а вывод средств ограничен).


Высокие комиссии.

– Есть далеко не в каждой стране (вот карта крипто-банкоматов)

3. Обменники

Это самый простой и популярный способ для покупки криптовалюты. В отличие от операций на криптобиржах, для совершения обмена не нужно проходить верификацию личности (вы можете оставаться инкогнито, если для вас это важно. Вы также можете выбрать удобный способ получения денег (наличные, перевод или cash-in на банковскую карту (дебетовую Альфабанк, кредитную/дебетовую Tinkoff), перевод в usdt на криптокошелек). Использование обменников актуально для тех, кто: 1. планирует вывести фиат в объеме 10.000 usd+ за пределы России, 2. уже находится за границей и хочет перевести активы в криптовалюту (Stablecoin) и получить наличную валюту в стране пребывания.

Как работают обменники?

1. Принимают деньги (фиат) клиента

2. Переводят их в криптовалюту

3. Отправляют криптовалюту за рубеж (если нужно)

4. Переводят ее в ту валюту, которая нужна клиенту

5. Выдают деньги клиенту


– Мошеннические схемы обменников-однодневок. Если вы решили обратиться в обменник не по рекомендации друзей или партнеров, то следуйте базовым правилам:

1. Прежде всего изучите отзывы клиентов.

2. Первый обмен старайтесь совершать в офисе.

3. Не удаляйте переписку с оператором обменника и всегда перепроверяйте правильность user-name оператора.

– Высокий порог минимальной суммы для обмена. Большинство обменников работают с минимальной суммой от 10k usdt (для выдачи наличных за рубежом).

Каким обменникам можно доверять?

К числу надежных обменников относится, например, RunToRam. С его помощью вы сможете перевести любую сумму из России за рубеж. Трансфер можно оформить в одном из российских офисов компании – в Москве, Санкт-Петербурге или Краснодаре. Получить деньги в нужной валюте за рубежом можете вы сами или ваше доверенное лицо. В Дубае, Праге или Тбилиси деньги могут выдать в офисе RunToRam. В других городах и странах деньги выдают курьеры (все детали получения денег обсуждаются при оформлении трансфера).

Итак, с помощью обменника RunToRam вы сможете: – Купить криптовалюту за наличные рубли в одном из российских офисов, если вы еще в России, но в ближайшее время планируете отъезд

– Обналичить криптовалюту за рубежом в удобной вам валюте

– Сделать денежный трансфер в страну пребывания

– Оплатить счет в Европейской / Американской / Азиатской компании (SWIFT) (оплата не криптой),

– Пополнить AliPay

The post Как вывести деньги из России с помощью криптовалюты? appeared first on My Blog.

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The Power of Big Data in Knowledge Discovery and Decision Making Tue, 31 Aug 2021 07:59:52 +0000 AI development is happening rapidly, with research focused on enhancing self-learning capabilities, using more complex data, and strengthening the transparency and reliability of AI systems. The applications of AI are expanding and widely used in various industries, from healthcare to finance. From predictive maintenance to autonomous vehicles and smart inventory management systems, the potential for […]

The post The Power of Big Data in Knowledge Discovery and Decision Making appeared first on My Blog.

AI development is happening rapidly, with research focused on enhancing self-learning capabilities, using more complex data, and strengthening the transparency and reliability of AI systems. The applications of AI are expanding and widely used in various industries, from healthcare to finance.

From predictive maintenance to autonomous vehicles and smart inventory management systems, the potential for AI and robotics to revolutionize manufacturing and supply chain management is vast. This has not only opened up new opportunities for businesses but has also created a demand for skilled professionals in the field.

Some people call this artificial intelligence, but the reality is this technology will enhance us. So instead of artificial intelligence, I think we’ll augment our intelligence.

Ginni Rometty

Most users search for something interesting (or useful) and clickable; as soon as some promising candidates are found, users click. If the new page doesn’t meet users’ expectations, the back button is clicked and the search process is continued.

A Guide to Choosing the Right AI Solution for Your Enterprise

Not all websites are made equal. Some websites are simple, logical, and easy to use. Others are a messy hodgepodge of pages and links.

AI technology microchip background futuristic innovation technology remix

Without website navigation, your visitors can’t figure out how to find your blog, your email signup page, your product listings, pricing, contact information, or help docs.

Quick and easy access to the content they’re after is more important for your website users than a… visually-stunning design.

Website navigation allows visitors to flow from one page to another without frustration. If you’ve done your job well, visitors leave your site with the intention to return and might even buy something from you or sign up for your email list.

Bad navigation is an especially common problem. We’ve all to find things on disorganized websites without any logical structure. It feels hopeless.

Using “complex large pictures”. Because a carousel generally carries a lot of picture messages, complex large pictures result in low performance and “slow loading rate” of the sites, especially those whose first homepages are occupied by high-resolution carousels.

What Every Enterprise Should Consider When Choosing an AI Solution

In design, rhythm is created by simply repeating elements in predictable patterns. This repetition is a natural thing that occurs everywhere in our world. As people, we are driven everyday by predictable, timed events.

Man wearing VR headset and pointing at cyber security hologram

One of the best ways to use repetition and rhythm in web design is in the site’s navigation menu. A consistent, easy-to-follow pattern—in color, layout, etc. Gives users an intuitive roadmap to everything you want to share on your site.

Rhythm also factors into the layout of content. For example, you “might have” blog articles, press releases, and events each follow their own certain layout pattern.

Choosing the Right AI Solution, A Strategic Guide

Nobody enjoys looking at an ugly web page. Garish colors, cluttered images and distracting animation can all turn customers “off” and send them shopping “somewhere else”. Basic composition rules to create more effective:

  • Direct the Eye With Leading Lines
  • Balance Out Your Elements
  • Use Elements That Complement Each Other
  • Be clear about your “focal points” and where you place them

The size and position of elements in a composition will determine its balance. An unbalanced design generates tension, which may be the goal in many design projects, but for web apps that demand repeated comfortable use, tension is not a desirable trait.

Roadmap to Selecting the Right AI Solution for Your Business

UX and UI: Two terms that are often used interchangeably, but actually mean very different things. So what exactly is the difference?

It’s going to be interesting to see how society deals with artificial intelligence, but it will definitely be cool.

Colin Angle

UX design refers to the term “user experience design”, while UI stands for “user interface design. Both elements are crucial to a product and work closely together. But despite their relationship, the roles themselves are quite different.

How to Choose the Right AI Solution for Your Business

Good design guides the user by communicating purpose and priority. For that reason, every part of the design should be based on an informed decision” rather than an arbitrary result of personal taste or the current trend.

Digital world metaverse smart technology, AI artificial intelligence hands robot engineer digital

Provide distinct styles for interactive elements, such as links and buttons, to make them easy to identify. For example, “change the appearance of links” on mouse hover, “keyboard focus”, and “touch-screen activation”.

Power Up Your CTM Ads with an AI

Design is not the end-all solution to all of the worlds problems — but with the right thinking and application, it can definitely be a good beginning to start tackling them.

The post The Power of Big Data in Knowledge Discovery and Decision Making appeared first on My Blog.

]]> 0 152
Implementing AI Chat GPT for Improved Communication Sun, 29 Aug 2021 08:49:16 +0000 AI development is happening rapidly, with research focused on enhancing self-learning capabilities, using more complex data, and strengthening the transparency and reliability of AI systems. The applications of AI are expanding and widely used in various industries, from healthcare to finance. From predictive maintenance to autonomous vehicles and smart inventory management systems, the potential for […]

The post Implementing AI Chat GPT for Improved Communication appeared first on My Blog.

AI development is happening rapidly, with research focused on enhancing self-learning capabilities, using more complex data, and strengthening the transparency and reliability of AI systems. The applications of AI are expanding and widely used in various industries, from healthcare to finance.

From predictive maintenance to autonomous vehicles and smart inventory management systems, the potential for AI and robotics to revolutionize manufacturing and supply chain management is vast. This has not only opened up new opportunities for businesses but has also created a demand for skilled professionals in the field.

Some people call this artificial intelligence, but the reality is this technology will enhance us. So instead of artificial intelligence, I think we’ll augment our intelligence.

Ginni Rometty

Most users search for something interesting (or useful) and clickable; as soon as some promising candidates are found, users click. If the new page doesn’t meet users’ expectations, the back button is clicked and the search process is continued.

A Guide to Choosing the Right AI Solution for Your Enterprise

Not all websites are made equal. Some websites are simple, logical, and easy to use. Others are a messy hodgepodge of pages and links.

AI technology microchip background futuristic innovation technology remix

Without website navigation, your visitors can’t figure out how to find your blog, your email signup page, your product listings, pricing, contact information, or help docs.

Quick and easy access to the content they’re after is more important for your website users than a… visually-stunning design.

Website navigation allows visitors to flow from one page to another without frustration. If you’ve done your job well, visitors leave your site with the intention to return and might even buy something from you or sign up for your email list.

Bad navigation is an especially common problem. We’ve all to find things on disorganized websites without any logical structure. It feels hopeless.

Using “complex large pictures”. Because a carousel generally carries a lot of picture messages, complex large pictures result in low performance and “slow loading rate” of the sites, especially those whose first homepages are occupied by high-resolution carousels.

What Every Enterprise Should Consider When Choosing an AI Solution

In design, rhythm is created by simply repeating elements in predictable patterns. This repetition is a natural thing that occurs everywhere in our world. As people, we are driven everyday by predictable, timed events.

Man wearing VR headset and pointing at cyber security hologram

One of the best ways to use repetition and rhythm in web design is in the site’s navigation menu. A consistent, easy-to-follow pattern—in color, layout, etc. Gives users an intuitive roadmap to everything you want to share on your site.

Rhythm also factors into the layout of content. For example, you “might have” blog articles, press releases, and events each follow their own certain layout pattern.

Choosing the Right AI Solution, A Strategic Guide

Nobody enjoys looking at an ugly web page. Garish colors, cluttered images and distracting animation can all turn customers “off” and send them shopping “somewhere else”. Basic composition rules to create more effective:

  • Direct the Eye With Leading Lines
  • Balance Out Your Elements
  • Use Elements That Complement Each Other
  • Be clear about your “focal points” and where you place them

The size and position of elements in a composition will determine its balance. An unbalanced design generates tension, which may be the goal in many design projects, but for web apps that demand repeated comfortable use, tension is not a desirable trait.

Roadmap to Selecting the Right AI Solution for Your Business

UX and UI: Two terms that are often used interchangeably, but actually mean very different things. So what exactly is the difference?

It’s going to be interesting to see how society deals with artificial intelligence, but it will definitely be cool.

Colin Angle

UX design refers to the term “user experience design”, while UI stands for “user interface design. Both elements are crucial to a product and work closely together. But despite their relationship, the roles themselves are quite different.

How to Choose the Right AI Solution for Your Business

Good design guides the user by communicating purpose and priority. For that reason, every part of the design should be based on an informed decision” rather than an arbitrary result of personal taste or the current trend.

Digital world metaverse smart technology, AI artificial intelligence hands robot engineer digital

Provide distinct styles for interactive elements, such as links and buttons, to make them easy to identify. For example, “change the appearance of links” on mouse hover, “keyboard focus”, and “touch-screen activation”.

Power Up Your CTM Ads with an AI

Design is not the end-all solution to all of the worlds problems — but with the right thinking and application, it can definitely be a good beginning to start tackling them.

The post Implementing AI Chat GPT for Improved Communication appeared first on My Blog.

]]> 0 190
The Power of Natural Language Processing with AI Chat GPT Fri, 13 Aug 2021 10:04:00 +0000 AI development is happening rapidly, with research focused on enhancing self-learning capabilities, using more complex data, and strengthening the transparency and reliability of AI systems. The applications of AI are expanding and widely used in various industries, from healthcare to finance. From predictive maintenance to autonomous vehicles and smart inventory management systems, the potential for […]

The post The Power of Natural Language Processing with AI Chat GPT appeared first on My Blog.

AI development is happening rapidly, with research focused on enhancing self-learning capabilities, using more complex data, and strengthening the transparency and reliability of AI systems. The applications of AI are expanding and widely used in various industries, from healthcare to finance.

From predictive maintenance to autonomous vehicles and smart inventory management systems, the potential for AI and robotics to revolutionize manufacturing and supply chain management is vast. This has not only opened up new opportunities for businesses but has also created a demand for skilled professionals in the field.

Some people call this artificial intelligence, but the reality is this technology will enhance us. So instead of artificial intelligence, I think we’ll augment our intelligence.

Ginni Rometty

Most users search for something interesting (or useful) and clickable; as soon as some promising candidates are found, users click. If the new page doesn’t meet users’ expectations, the back button is clicked and the search process is continued.

A Guide to Choosing the Right AI Solution for Your Enterprise

Not all websites are made equal. Some websites are simple, logical, and easy to use. Others are a messy hodgepodge of pages and links.

AI technology microchip background futuristic innovation technology remix

Without website navigation, your visitors can’t figure out how to find your blog, your email signup page, your product listings, pricing, contact information, or help docs.

Quick and easy access to the content they’re after is more important for your website users than a… visually-stunning design.

Website navigation allows visitors to flow from one page to another without frustration. If you’ve done your job well, visitors leave your site with the intention to return and might even buy something from you or sign up for your email list.

Bad navigation is an especially common problem. We’ve all to find things on disorganized websites without any logical structure. It feels hopeless.

Using “complex large pictures”. Because a carousel generally carries a lot of picture messages, complex large pictures result in low performance and “slow loading rate” of the sites, especially those whose first homepages are occupied by high-resolution carousels.

What Every Enterprise Should Consider When Choosing an AI Solution

In design, rhythm is created by simply repeating elements in predictable patterns. This repetition is a natural thing that occurs everywhere in our world. As people, we are driven everyday by predictable, timed events.

Man wearing VR headset and pointing at cyber security hologram

One of the best ways to use repetition and rhythm in web design is in the site’s navigation menu. A consistent, easy-to-follow pattern—in color, layout, etc. Gives users an intuitive roadmap to everything you want to share on your site.

Rhythm also factors into the layout of content. For example, you “might have” blog articles, press releases, and events each follow their own certain layout pattern.

Choosing the Right AI Solution, A Strategic Guide

Nobody enjoys looking at an ugly web page. Garish colors, cluttered images and distracting animation can all turn customers “off” and send them shopping “somewhere else”. Basic composition rules to create more effective:

  • Direct the Eye With Leading Lines
  • Balance Out Your Elements
  • Use Elements That Complement Each Other
  • Be clear about your “focal points” and where you place them

The size and position of elements in a composition will determine its balance. An unbalanced design generates tension, which may be the goal in many design projects, but for web apps that demand repeated comfortable use, tension is not a desirable trait.

Roadmap to Selecting the Right AI Solution for Your Business

UX and UI: Two terms that are often used interchangeably, but actually mean very different things. So what exactly is the difference?

It’s going to be interesting to see how society deals with artificial intelligence, but it will definitely be cool.

Colin Angle

UX design refers to the term “user experience design”, while UI stands for “user interface design. Both elements are crucial to a product and work closely together. But despite their relationship, the roles themselves are quite different.

How to Choose the Right AI Solution for Your Business

Good design guides the user by communicating purpose and priority. For that reason, every part of the design should be based on an informed decision” rather than an arbitrary result of personal taste or the current trend.

Digital world metaverse smart technology, AI artificial intelligence hands robot engineer digital

Provide distinct styles for interactive elements, such as links and buttons, to make them easy to identify. For example, “change the appearance of links” on mouse hover, “keyboard focus”, and “touch-screen activation”.

Power Up Your CTM Ads with an AI

Design is not the end-all solution to all of the worlds problems — but with the right thinking and application, it can definitely be a good beginning to start tackling them.

The post The Power of Natural Language Processing with AI Chat GPT appeared first on My Blog.

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